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Check out the blog to keep up to date with everything I’m doing. I like to write about music and games so I hope you find something useful or entertaining. If you prefer audio, I also create a podcast called ComposerCast where you can listen to me chat about music theory, composing, video games and even some interviews.

I started keeping a blog just so I could remember all the things I’ve done. I also thought it might be interesting to look back on in the future to see how much I’ve progressed. Documenting the process is something I feel is really important. It helps others to see the mistakes I’ve made and avoid the pitfalls themselves.

If there’s anything you find interesting or want to ask me about, feel free to contact me or get in touch on one of the many social media platforms. You’ll find all the social links at the bottom of this page.


I made a simple infographic to help me remember the different musical cadences. We were taught them back at music college but I never really had any use for them. Now I’ve found myself teaching grade 4 classical guitar and… Read More »Cadences

New REAPER Theme

REAPER just became a whole lot more beautiful 😍 If you look below, you’ll see the exact same project open with the default REAPER theme. It’s only a tiny bit of audio editing by this new theme I’ve just applied… Read More »New REAPER Theme

Building A Student Portal On WordPress For Free

Originally written on Pickup Guitar.

For music teachers, especially remote teachers, one of the issues they often face is how to deliver the lesson material to students. You can email it over, send it via Skype during a lesson, share it via Drive or upload it to WeTransfer. All of those can get quite cumbersome after just a few lessons. There’s also no easy way for the student to reply back and ask questions about a given lesson. This is why I went down the student portal route.

Read More »Building A Student Portal On WordPress For Free